Privacy Policy

I do not sell, trade, or otherwise share your personal information, such as name, email address, physical address, phone numbers, buying history, etc. Your privacy is very important. Your information stays on this site, with the exception of tracking information through FedEx, USPS. You will not receive any unsolicited emails from other companies or individuals from shopping here. Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding my privacy practices.

Links to Other Websites

This website may contain links to other sites, resources and sponsors. Krakus Designs LatAm LLC/Hellz Smellz (Perfumes) is not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites that link to or from Krakus Designs LatAm, LLC/Hellz Smellz (Perfumes) that may be different from my privacy practices described in this policy. Once you access another site, you will be subject to the privacy policy of that site.

This does not reflect an endorsement by Krakus Designs LatAm, LLC Hellz Smellz (Perfumes) its site, resources or content. Krakus Designs LatAm, LLC/Hellz Smellz (Perfumes) has no control over these sites or the content within. Krakus Designs LatAm, LLC/Hellz Smellz (Perfumes) is not responsible for the availability of third party sites or content of such sites and is not responsible for any transaction concerning goods and services from such sites and does not warrant such sites free from viruses or other malware affecting your computer. Any concerns should be directed to that site’s administrator or web master.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding my privacy practices or other general use of the site, please feel free to contact me at: